DTU Kursusbasen - Arkiv

Kursuskode Kursustitel
01415 Computational Discrete Mathematics
02155 Computerarkitektur
02332 Compilerteknik
02343 CDIO-Projekt
02504 Computer Vision
02561 Computer grafik
02565 Computer Animation og Modellering
02582 Computerintensiv dataanalyse
02625 Computational Science in Imaging
02823 Computerspil prototyper
02841 Computerspilprogramering i en produktion (DADIU)
02910 Computerintensiv dataanalyse
10351 Cellulær biofysik
10530 CINF Summer School on Reactivity for Sustainable Energy Conversion and Environmental Protection 2016
10540 CAMD Summer School on Electronic Structure Theory and Materials Design 2016
10814 Computerintensiv strålingsdosimetri
11124 Computational Fluid Dynamics vedrørende bygninger
26245 Computerbaserede metoder i kemi og biologi
26255 Computermodellering i kemi
27405 Cellefabrikker: Design, konstruktion og analyse
28831 Computational Fluid Dynamics in Chemical Engineering
31528 Cellulær signalering
33647 Computer-baseret introduktion til data analyse for Fysik og Nanoteknologi linjen
41515 Computerbaseret mekanismedynamik
41616 CAD
41618 CAD for designingeniører
42281 Co-creation mod klimaforandringer
42452 Complexity Management
42713 Characterizing human toxicity and ecotoxicity with the scientific consensus model USEtox: Theory and practical application
42B64 Consultancy Project
42B80 Communication Management
47511 CINEMAX II: 3D modellering og afbildning af materialers mikrostruktur - ph.d.-sommerskole
47512 CenErgy: Avanceret transmission og skanningselektronmikroskopi i materialeforskning - ph.d.-sommerskole
62626 Computer Aided Design CAD2
62P22 Cross Cultural Communication
88710 Combustion and High Temperature Processes
KU011 Celle- og Vævsbiologi