46W47 Hybride energianlæg


Hybrid power plants
Kurset gives kun on-line
E-learning - forelæsninger, quizzer, øvelser
Aftales med underviser
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af rapport(er)
Alle rapporter skal afleveres for at kunne deltage i den mundtlige eksamen.
30 min
Alle hjælpemidler - med adgang til internettet
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Kaushik Das , Risø Campus, Bygning 115 , kdas@dtu.dk
Anca Daniela Hansen , Risø Campus, Bygning 115, Tlf. (+45) 4677 5073 , anca@dtu.dk
Poul Ejnar Sommer Sørensen , Risø Campus, Bygning 115 , posq@dtu.dk
Matti Juhani Koivisto , Risø Campus, Bygning 115 , mkoi@dtu.dk
Sergiu Viorel Spataru , sersp@dtu.dk
Mattia Marinelli , Risø Campus, Bygning 330, Tlf. (+45) 4677 4955 , matm@dtu.dk
Megha Gupta , Risø Campus, Bygning 115 , gupta@dtu.dk
Katarina Obradovic , Risø Campus, Bygning 115 , kataob@dtu.dk
Hans Ejsing Jørgensen , Hasjr@vestas.com
Ole Sønderby , oso@vestas.com
Daniel Esteban Morales Bondy , esteban@bondy.es
46 Institut for Vind og Energisystemer
34 Institut for Elektroteknologi og Fotonik
På instituttet

Please see website: https:/​/​lifelonglearning.dtu.dk/​en/​wind-energy/​master-en/​wind-energy-master-online-programme/​
Overordnede kursusmål
The focus of the course is on utility-scale hybrid power plants. The students will learn about the concepts of hybrid power plants, including understanding their components - wind turbines, solar PV, battery storage, etc. The course will focus on hybrid power plants' design and operational aspects. The students will be able to grasp the concepts of electrical design and control of hybrid power plants. The course will consider the role of hybrid power plants in meeting grid code requirements and market service provision.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Define the concept of a hybrid power plant
  • List the potential values of Hybrid Power Plants
  • Understand the role of different generation technologies in a Hybrid Power Plant
  • Perform component sizing optimization of Hybrid Power Plants
  • Explain the complexities of Physical and Electrical Design of Hybrid Power Plants
  • Evaluate the value of energy management system for Hybrid Power Plants
  • Explain the role of hybrid power plant for grid and market service provisions
  • Design and operate a realistic hybrid power plant through simulation
Core elements of the course:
• Design of HPP- Wind Power
• Design of HPP- Solar Power
• Design of HPP- Storage and energy conversion
• Design of HPP- Variability and uncertainty
• Design of HPP- Sizing
• Design of HPP- Physical and Electrical design
• Operation of HPP – Grid Codes
• Operation of HPP – Services
• Operation of HPP – Control Architecture
• Operation of HPP – Battery degradation
• Operation of HPP – Energy Management System

The modules of the course will consist of video presentations, exercises, multiple-choice quizzes, and assignments.
This course is a part of the part-time Wind Energy Master.
Sidst opdateret
15. april, 2024