46W44 Offshore vindenergi planlægning


Offshore wind farm planning
Kurset gives som e-læring
E-learning consisting of video lectures, assignments, exercises and discussion forums
Aftales med underviser
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af rapport(er)
The course participants will be working on a project report throughout the course. At the end of the course the report is handed in and key findings presented at an online oral exam.
30 min
Alle hjælpemidler - med adgang til internettet
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Niels-Erik Clausen , Risø Campus, Bygning 115 , necl@dtu.dk
David Philipp Rudolph , dpru@dtu.dk
Mark C. Kelly , Risø Campus, Bygning 125, Tlf. (+45) 4677 5020 , mkel@dtu.dk
46 Institut for Vind og Energisystemer
På instituttet
Overordnede kursusmål
This course will introduce you to the planning aspects of offshore wind energy. We will look at the technology - both bottom mounted as well as floating wind turbines.
We will provide an overview over the steps a project developer will go through from assessment of the wind resource, site conditions, selection of wind turbines, grid connection, environmental impact, economics of offshore wind and integration in the society.
Finally, we will introduce you to the political framework and strategic planning of offshore wind at country level.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Explain the main characteristics of offshore wind energy technology incl. floating wind turbines
  • Outline the main steps of how developers carry out planning of an offshore wind farm
  • Explain the most common support mechanisms and their pros and cons
  • List the most common environmental impacts of an offshore wind farm and discuss mitigation measures
  • Explain the technical and societal implications of Energy Islands
  • Outline the steps of energy yield assessment of an offshore wind farm
  • Explain the steps of site assessment offshore and the data needed
  • Carry out a stakeholder analysis
  • Calculate LCOE of an offshore wind farm
  • Describe the policy context and steps in the planning system for offshore wind in a country of your choice
  • Discuss ways to stimulate development of offshore wind through interaction with coastal communities
During the course, you will be working with the following topics: Policy framework and sea bed allocation, offshore wind turbine technology and floating wind turbines,
Wind resource assessment and site conditions offshore, offshore grid connection and Energy Islands, Environmental impact assessment offshore, economics of offshore wind farms, support mechanisms and auctions, local content and other societal dimensions of offshore wind power.
This course is a part of the part-time Wind Energy Master.
Sidst opdateret
15. april, 2024