46W34 Offshore vindenergi - Design af substrukturer


Offshore Wind Energy - Design of substructures
Aftales med underviser
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af rapport(er)
30 minutter
Alle hjælpemidler - med adgang til internettet
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Wind turbine technology: We recommend to take course 46W11 prior to the present course. Programming skills: It is important that you are able to create and execute scripts and functions; and work with vectors, matrices and plotting. This level of Python (or Matlab) skills is essential to carry out the course reports. Fluid Mechanics: We recommend that you are familiar with velocity fields; potential flow theory and the Bernoulli equation. Structural mechanics: We recommend that you are familiar with Euler beam theory; stress, strain computations for beam bending and the dynamic beam equation. It is therefore encouraged to take course 46W17 prior to the present course.
Henrik Bredmose , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 403, Tlf. (+45) 4525 4315 , hbre@dtu.dk
46 Institut for Vind og Energisystemer
På instituttet
1 June
Please see website: https:/​/​lifelonglearning.dtu.dk/​en/​wind-energy/​master-en/​wind-energy-master-online-programme/​
Overordnede kursusmål
Introduce the participant to offshore wind energy and the engineering methods specific to design of their substructures.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Describe the main elements of offshore wind turbine systems and the differences to land based turbines.
  • Be familiar with the offshore turbine design standard IEC 61400-3-1.
  • Calculate a force time series from linear irregular waves.
  • Apply simplistic rotor load time series as part of a fatigue calculation and understand the concept of aerodynamic damping.
  • Explain the basics of wake effects inside offshore wind farms.
  • Describe the typical foundation types for bottom-fixed offshore wind turbines and decide on foundation types (floating, jacket, monopile).
  • Explain the basic dynamics of bottom fixed offshore wind turbines and the method for fatigue calculations.
  • Apply the elements of a design basis together with simplified models for conceptual design of a substructure.
  • Determine the natural frequency for an offshore wind turbine support structure using approximate formulas.
  • Comprehend the economics of levelized cost of energy.
Offshore wind turbines and wind farms. Overview of offshore design codes (e.g. IEC 61400-3-1). Calculation of wave loads in linear regular and irregular waves by the Morison equation. Engineering methods for computation of rotor loads. Offshore environmental conditions - design basis. Wakes. Substructure types (monopile, jacket, gravity based) and their relative strengths. Design methods for monopiles. Floating wind turbines (technology, modelling etc.) Soil models. Cost of offshore wind energy.
Course slides, relevant design standards and selected papers/reports. Specific chapters of text books will also be referred to.
The reports are made in groups of two participants. The groups present the progress of their report in the online Q&A session a couple of times during the semester. A plan for this is made at the start of the course.
Sidst opdateret
16. april, 2024