Offshore Wind Energy - Design of substructures | |
Engelsk | |
5 | |
Deltidsmaster |
E-learning | |
E-learning | |
E-learning | |
13-uger | |
Aftales med underviser | |
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af rapport(er) | |
30 minutter | |
Alle hjælpemidler - med adgang til internettet | |
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse | |
Wind turbine technology: We recommend to take course 46W11 prior to the present course. Programming skills: It is important that you are able to create and execute scripts and functions; and work with vectors, matrices and plotting. This level of Python (or Matlab) skills is essential to carry out the course reports. Fluid Mechanics: We recommend that you are familiar with velocity fields; potential flow theory and the Bernoulli equation. Structural mechanics: We recommend that you are familiar with Euler beam theory; stress, strain computations for beam bending and the dynamic beam equation. It is therefore encouraged to take course 46W17 prior to the present course. |
Henrik Bredmose , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 403, Tlf.
(+45) 4525 4315 , | |
46 Institut for Vind og Energisystemer | | | |
På instituttet
1 June
Please see website: |