Overordnede kursusmål
To provide the student with the necessary understanding of the
atmosphere and knowledge of tools to perform wind energy resource
assessment at various scales.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
- Explain the basic driving mechanisms for wind, from global
processess down to those linked to local topography.
- List/outline the mechanisms that affect the Annual Energy
Production (AEP) of a wind farm.
- Analyze meteorological time series of mean wind and direction
with statistical methods.
- Explain the differences between micro- and mesoscale modeling,
and how they can be used together.
- Calculate the AEP for simple sites and wind farms (using
observations, or potentially driven by mesoscale model
- Identify potential errors in setup of mesoscale and microscale
models, through inspection of both inputs/setup and model
- Evaluate limitations and consequences of using linearized
(common industrial) flow models treating terrain—in practice,
considering model output; objectively scrutinize use of complex
flow models for a given site.
- Explain the principles, assumptions, and limitations behind a
wind atlas (e.g. Global Wind Atlas or country/regional wind
atlases), and use a wind atlas for simple estimation of resource
- Evaluate use of long-term correction, considering applicability
of reference data.
- Identify and evaluate relevant uncertainty drivers in the
resource assessment process.
This course is problem-driven, with emphasis on iterative, active
learning: primarily through addressing and solving specific
problems involved in wind resource assessment, from theory to
practice; but also by applying the acquired understanding and
critical thinking to answer open-ended questions based on practical
issues of industrial relevance.
The course covers: relevant meteorology (motions and force balances
from meso- to planetary-scale and important thermodynamic effects);
basic atmospheric boundary layer structure and flow phenomena;
micro- and meso-scale modeling and practices, including basic
parameterizations and numerical aspects; analysis and use of wind
statistics from measurements and models (incl. e.g. wind atlas
data); and scrutiny of both inputs to and outputs from wind
resource modeling.
The students are encounter several (3) mandatory assignments in the
course. The information and computational framework required to do
the assignments will be provided through short modules consisting
of video presentations, notes, book excerpts, quizzes and live
'question-answer' sessions.
Sidst opdateret
26. april, 2024