46060 Projekt i design af hybrid kraftværk


Hybrid power plant design project
Projekter (BSc), Teknologi
Retningsspecifikt kursus (BSc), Bæredygtigt Energidesign
Kurset gives kun online
Fully digital course - lectures and activities will be done online
group-based project work
Sidste dag(e) i 3-ugersperioden, Sidste dag(e) i 3-ugersperioden
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af rapport(er)
Eleverne skal arbejde i grupper. Hver gruppe afleverer en rapport inden den mundtlige eksamen. Ved den mundtlige eksamen præsenterer de studerende det arbejde, der er udført i løbet af forløbet. Karakteren gives ud fra en helhedsvurdering af projektrapporten og den mundtlige prøve.
30 min
Alle hjælpemidler - uden adgang til internettet
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Programming prerequisites: basic knowledge of Python
47214 , Basic knowledge of generation and storage technologies.
Minimum 5 Maksimum: 40
Kaushik Das , Risø Campus, Bygning 115 , kdas@dtu.dk
Megha Gupta , Risø Campus, Bygning 115 , gupta@dtu.dk
Aeishwarya Umesh Baviskar , Risø Campus, Bygning 115 , aeish@dtu.dk
Rujie Zhu , ruzhu@dtu.dk
46 Institut for Vind og Energisystemer
I studieplanlæggeren
Overordnede kursusmål
The focus of the course is on utility-scale multi-technology hybrid power/energy plants comprising wind power, solar power, electrical storage, and or P2X conversion technologies like hydrogen electrolyzers. The students in this course will be designing such a hybrid power plant using ‘DTU’s Python-based tool HyDesign’ through simulation. The student will evaluate the profitability and feasibility of their design through sensitivity studies. During the process, the students will understand the fundamentals of a hybrid power plant – such as – the salient features of a hybrid power plant, factors affecting the profitability of a hybrid power plant, and evaluation of the performance of a hybrid power plant. Be motivated to work in teams.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Define the concept of a hybrid power plant
  • List the potential values of Hybrid Power Plants
  • Perform basic time series analysis, basic statistical analysis, and visualization in Python.
  • Explain the fundamentals of design principles of a hybrid power plant.
  • Outline the fundamentals of operational principles of a hybrid power plant.
  • Design and operate a realistic hybrid power plant through simulation in HyDesign.
  • Analyze the performance of a hybrid power plant through exercise-based learning.
  • Develop technical report writing and presentation skills.
This course will introduce concepts of a hybrid power plant consisting of wind turbines, solar panels, electrical storage such as battery, and hydrogen electrolyzer connected and operated in coordination as a singular power plant. The problem, presented by the instructors, relates to designing and evaluating the performance of a hybrid power plant to maximize its profit by selling electricity and hydrogen to the power grid and hydrogen users respectively. Teams will develop a project plan for the different aspects of the project, identifying the sub-tasks and the time plan. Each team will use DTU’s Python-based HyDesign tool (https:/​/​topfarm.pages.windenergy.dtu.dk/​hydesign/​) to design and evaluate the performance of a hybrid power plant. The teams will perform multiple sensitivity studies on their design which will be discussed and decided during the development of the project plan. The teams will present the results in a slide-deck presentation or a poster presentation, showing the performance of their hybrid power plant design and possible guidelines to improve it.
All learning materials and relevant literature will be provided by the teachers in digital form.
Sidst opdateret
14. maj, 2024