42S08 Communicating Sustainability


Communicating Sustainability
Campus Lyngby
The course combines theory, with plenaries by leading international scholars and practitioners, and practice, with a crisis communication simulation, social media engagement exercise, and presentations.
[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur]
Aftales med underviser, Aftales med underviser
Bedømmelse af opgave(r)/rapport(er)
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Minimum 10 Maksimum: 40
Salla Marjukka Laasonen , salaa@dtu.dk
Maria Ingeman , main@dtu.dk
Ida Stub Johansson , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421 , idajoh@dtu.dk
42 Institut for Teknologi, Ledelse og Økonomi
I studieplanlæggeren
Overordnede kursusmål
The objective of this course is to be able to translate and communicate sustainability solutions to a wider audience and build the capacity to be a sustainability thought leader.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Understand the main theoretical concepts and tools related to sustainability communication
  • Understand how the changing regulatory environment influences sustainability communication
  • Map the social, ecological and economic implications of sustainability regulations across the globe, particularly in terms of biodiversity
  • Critically analyze different sustainability claims in different societal domains
  • Detect and analyze greenwashing
  • Produce legitimate sustainability claims that are based on current legal frameworks
  • Create and communicate a sustainability strategy and/or campaign
  • Apply relevant related tools of sustainability communication, such as crisis communication and stakeholder engagement
  • Create and present an operable crisis communication plan under time-pressure
  • Create and communicate a sustainability agenda as a thought leader
The goal of this course is to build leadership skills and competencies necessary to understand and successfully execute sustainability communication. Participants will learn the most relevant concepts and tools related to sustainability communication, including stakeholder engagement, EU-taxonomy, sustainability reporting and Science Based Targets. The course builds on practical case exercises, including a crisis communication simulation where participants apply the learnings of the course in the role of a member of the executive board. The results of the communication strategy will also be presented to an expert panel during the course. Through a practical social media exercise, participants will learn how to debate the most challenging sustainability topics such as climate change, social inequality, and greenwashing. We also investigate NGOs and activism and learn how to engage with critical stakeholders.
Assigned in class
Sidst opdateret
13. juni, 2024