42S07 Data-Based Decision Making


Data-Based Decision Making
Campus Lyngby
This course focuses on data-based decision making from the perspective of sustainability. The course builds on guest lectures focusing on topics such as life cycle analysis (LCA), carbon credits, biodiversity, and circularity. In addition, the course focuses on ESG data, and how to deal with the challenges related to collecting, analyzing and reporting on material issues.
[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur]
Aftales med underviser, Aftales med underviser
Bedømmelse af opgave(r)/rapport(er)
The course consists of two written assignments (individual assessment). In the first assignment (50% weighting), participants are asked to review life cycle analysis (LCA) and present an application of LCA to their organization. In the second assignment (50% weighting), participants are to present an overview of the material environmental, social and governance indicators relevant to their organization.
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Minimum 10 Maksimum: 40
Salla Marjukka Laasonen , salaa@dtu.dk
Maria Ingeman , main@dtu.dk
Ida Stub Johansson , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421 , idajoh@dtu.dk
42 Institut for Teknologi, Ledelse og Økonomi
I studieplanlæggeren
Overordnede kursusmål
This course focuses on data-based decision making from the perspective of sustainability. The aim is to have knowledge of the most prevalent sustainability data types and sources, and to be able to interpret and leverage data for sustainability strategy.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Identify and classify most relevant and prominent sustainability databases
  • Understand the language of LCA life cycle assessment models
  • Understand how the carbon credits market functions
  • Identify latest developments related to biodiversity indicators and associate legislation
  • Apply LCA to a real-life case or organization
  • Understanding data-based management language
  • Design sustainability metrics for strategic purposes
  • Evaluate and propose the material environmental, social, and governance indicators of a case organization
This course covers data-based decision making from various perspectives: from data management, organizational aspects and strategic decision making. The course provides a set of tools to support sustainability-based decision making while also considers their boundaries and limitations. The course also addressed the leadership implications of data-based decision making and supports critical assessment of data.
Sidst opdateret
13. juni, 2024