Sustainability-Driven Innovation | |
Engelsk | |
5 | |
Deltidsmaster |
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Campus Lyngby | |
This course focuses on the relationship between creativity and innovation, and how design thinking and user involvement can be used to develop socially sustainable solutions through empathy building, use of dialogue tools and design methods. There will be an active focus on the SDG pledge of Leaving No One Behind, where course participants will be introduced to universal design and inclusion. | |
[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur] | |
Aftales med underviser, Aftales med underviser | |
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af rapport(er)
The course contains three assignments, out of which two are based on group projects and one is related to the Immersive Learning Project. The purpose of the first assignment "inclusivity challenge, groups are to use the principles of Universal Design and specific ‘Ability Prompt Cards’ to identify exclusion, turn challenges into inclusive solutions, and reflect on the innovation- and market opportunities. The total weight is 45% of the grade. In the second assignment "innovation sprint", groups are to propose an actionable solution to a design challenge. The total weight is 45%. The third assignment (individual assessment, total weight 10%) consists of a written assignment of innovation related to the Immersive Learning Project. | |
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse |
Salla Marjukka Laasonen , | |
Maria Ingeman , Ida Stub Johansson , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421 , | |
42 Institut for Teknologi, Ledelse og Økonomi | |
studieplanlæggeren |