42S05 Business Models for Sustainability


Business Models for Sustainability
Campus Lyngby
Campus Lyngby, Lederne’s Hovedorganisation, external off-site locations
The courses consists of an intensive study tour module in Iceland, with company visits, guest lectures, and off-site activities.
[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur]
Ingen eksamen, Ingen eksamen, To be announced during course
Bedømmelse af opgave(r)/rapport(er)
Evaluation of individual assignments (60%), Group presentation and report with individual grading (40%)
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Minimum 10 Maksimum: 40
Salla Marjukka Laasonen , salaa@dtu.dk
Maria Ingeman , main@dtu.dk
Ida Stub Johansson , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421 , idajoh@dtu.dk
42 Institut for Teknologi, Ledelse og Økonomi
På instituttet
Overordnede kursusmål
The objective of this course is twofold: First, we examine the societal and institutional context in which sustainable business models work. As a follow-up to the societal level of analysis, we zoom in on the operational level of analysis an examine how sustainability can be embedded into the traditional tools and frameworks of operations management.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Identify and analyze the systemic and societal factors underlying a successful sustainable business model
  • Propose a scalable solution to a geographically bound sustainable business model
  • Compose a sustainable business model solution
  • Propose an operations strategy for implementing a sustainable business model
  • Comment on and debate sustainability solutions taken by companies
  • Design operations necessary for sustainable business models
  • Present a solution approach and discuss it with problem owners in a Q&A session
  • Provide peer feedback on sustainable business model solutions
This course employs the learnings of the first year of the programme to zoom in on sustainable business models. The course is divided into two distinct parts: First, we engage on a societal level of analysis, and examine sustainable business models in a systemic context of a country. In order to be able to form a holistic overview of the complexity of sustainability, we take the country of Iceland as an example, and travel to Iceland. The second part of the course focuses on the operational level of sustainable business models. By applying case-based learning, the objective is to understand and apply the fundamental operations strategy concepts, such as KPI design, bottlenecks, and the product-process matrix, withing a sustainability-oriented business model.
Sidst opdateret
13. juni, 2024