42404 Maritim logistik og ledelse


I tilfældet af at kurset er overtegnet er det studerende fra følgende retninger, der har førsteprioritet: "Industriel økonomi og teknologiledelse" og "Konstruktion og mekanik".
Maritime Logistics and Management
Kurset udbydes som enkeltfag
Retningsspecifikt kursus (MSc), Industrial Engineering and Management
Retningsspecifikt kursus (MSc), Transport and Logistics
F5B (ons 13-17)
Campus Lyngby
Lectures, case studies, group discussions, exercises, project work
Skriftlig eksamen og bedømmelse af opgave(r)
Written examination, group assignment, group presentation During the course, a group assignment is given. The group assignment includes a group written report and a group presentation. The final grade is based on an overall assessment of the student's performance in the group assignment, the group presentation and during the written examination.
Skriftlig eksamen: 2 timer
Alle hjælpemidler - uden adgang til internettet :

No internet access.

7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Maksimum: 100
Jasmine Lam , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 358, Tlf. (+45) 4525 1503 , slela@dtu.dk
42 Institut for Teknologi, Ledelse og Økonomi
I studieplanlæggeren
Overordnede kursusmål
The main objective of the course is to provide an overview of the maritime industry, its sectors, actors and concepts in maritime logistics and management. The students will learn the important role of the maritime industry in the global economy and societies. The course will also enable students to identify key aspects of maritime trade, seaport development, and international policy frameworks. The course content and activities will highlight the international and dynamic aspects in maritime logistics and management, including their future outlook and impact.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Describe the sectors, actors and their interrelationships in the maritime industry
  • Identify and explain the major types of ships, maritime cargoes, and shipping markets
  • Identify and explain the major types of maritime transport modes
  • Explain the role of maritime industry and trade in the global economy and societies
  • Explain the key concepts in seaports and terminals
  • Describe international policy frameworks and the involved regulatory bodies in maritime sectors
  • Explain and apply key concepts in maritime logistics, supply chains, and analyse how to make decisions to enhance competitiveness
  • Analyse and discuss the new developments in autonomous shipping and digitalisation
  • Analyse and discuss the new developments in maritime decarbonisation and emission reduction
  • Explain the concepts of cluster and hub in the context of the maritime industry
  • Analyse and discuss the new developments in maritime decarbonisation and emission reduction
The course covers

• Different aspects of maritime sectors including port, shipping, marine engineering, maritime services, international policy frameworks
• The actors involved and their interrelationships
• An introduction to ships, maritime cargoes, shipping markets, and maritime transport modes
• An introduction to seaports, terminals, and their development
• How are maritime logistics and supply chains managed efficiently and how to make decisions to enhance competitiveness
• Emerging developments in autonomous shipping and digitalisation
• New developments in maritime decarbonisation and emission reduction, including an overview of technologies and market-based measures
• Concepts of cluster and hub in the context of the maritime industry

The course uses real-life case studies for illustration, application and facilitating student discussions.
Cases and reading materials, such as excerpts from books/ textbooks, academic research papers, and company information, will be provided during the course.
Sidst opdateret
16. maj, 2024