12954 Assessing human and ecosystems impacts with the scientific consensus model USEtox


Next course iteration: summer 2023
Assessing human and ecosystems impacts with the scientific consensus model USEtox
Ph.d., Faglig identitetskursus
Kurset udbydes som enkeltfag
Main lecture week: 14-18 August 2023
Campus Lyngby
The course will be offered as course with physical presence at DTU.
Lectures, exercises, “hands-on” modeling, practical work with model and data, group work, work on own cases and presentations from course participants, discussions
[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur]
Bedømmelse af opgave(r)/rapport(er)
Alle hjælpemidler er tilladt
bestået/ikke bestået , intern bedømmelse
-Master in Environmental and/or Chemical Engineering and/or Toxicology or equivalent. -Ideally, at least one of the following topics: Life Cycle Assessment, Life Cycle Impact Assessment, Chemicals in the environment, Chemicals and Health, Human toxicological effects, Ecotoxicological effects, Consumer exposure, Chemical Risk Assessment.
Peter Fantke , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 115, Tlf. (+45) 4525 4452 , pefan@dtu.dk
Michael Hauschild , mzha@dtu.dk
Olivier Jolliet , ojoll@dtu.dk
12 Institut for Miljø- og Ressourceteknologi
Hos underviser

Please contact Peter Fantke via email (pefan@dtu.dk) to sign up for this course
Overordnede kursusmål
--Human near-field consumer exposure and far-field population exposure/toxicity & ecotoxicity modeling with the global scientific consensus model USEtox 3.0--

There is an increasing need for methods to assess impacts of toxic chemical emissions on human health and ecosystems including consumer exposure. This course provides a practical overview of multimedia chemical fate modelling, near-field and far-field multi-pathway human exposure modelling, ecosystem and human health effects dose-response modelling, and comparative indicators for human-toxicological and ecotoxicological impacts. We explain basic concepts of environmental mass balance modelling including partitioning, first order cross-media transport, and persistence. We further introduce the concept of assessing multiple transfers between near-field and far-field environments and resulting exposures for consumers and the general population, discussing data and models available for detergents, building materials, food contact materials and personal care products. Along a series of practical examples, we will illustrate how fate, exposure, effect and damage factors can be combined to construct factors to characterize chemical emissions and chemicals in consumer products, building on the USEtox scientific consensus model and USEtox-compatible near-field models. We will conclude with a demonstration of how the models can be used in various applications, including the prioritization and ranking of chemicals for institutions like the European Commission or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Teachers will be Peter Fantke (USEtox Managing Director) and members of the USEtox team.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Explain and apply exposure science methods used in life-cycle impact assessment, chemical substitution, and comparative risk assessment
  • Use and evaluate basic tools for mass-balance, fate modeling, intake fraction, and effect factor estimation
  • Review underlying model assumptions and uncertainties
  • Evaluate data needs along with data and knowledge gaps in toxicity characterization
  • Explain the scientific fundamentals of chemical impact assessment for a broad range of environmental emissions
  • Perform your own assessment using the USEtox scientific consensus model and related near-field exposure models and interpret results
  • Find data sources, implement new substances into USEtox, and modify existing modules
  • Discuss applicability and limitations of USEtox model, data and results in different application fields including life cycle assessment, product environmental footprinting and comparative risk assessment
Participants/students will have hands-on access to all model, data, documentation and reading files during the course and will be able to take all files back home. New substances will be characterized and participants/students may bring their own list of substances of interest for the exercises.

The course is structured as follows:
- Week 1: preparatory reading (reading material will be sent 1 months in advance)
- Week 2: interactive on-site lectures and hands-on exercises (physical presence required)
- Week 3: preparation of report around own exercise project
Rosenbaum et al. 2008 http:/​/​doi.org/​10.1007/​s11367-008-0038-4
Fantke et al. 2021 http:/​/​doi.org/​10.1007/​s11367-021-01889-y
2500 EUR for professionals, 300 EUR for students (proof required)
Sidst opdateret
25. april, 2023