34364 Bæredygtige kommunikationssystemer


Sustainable communication systems
F3A (tirs 8-12)
Campus Lyngby
Short lectures, student presentations and case studies.
Bedømmelse af opgave(r)/rapport(er)
Oral presentation in class (10%), final report (90%)
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Henrik Lehrmann Christiansen , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 343, Tlf. (+45) 4525 6380 , hlch@fotonik.dtu.dk
34 Institut for Fotonik
I studieplanlæggeren
Kontakt underviseren for information om hvorvidt dette kursus giver den studerende mulighed for at lave eller forberede et projekt som kan deltage i DTUs studenterkonference om bæredygtighed, klimateknologi og miljø (GRØN DYST). Se mere på http://www.groendyst.dtu.dk
Overordnede kursusmål
To give the participants detailed knowledge about the energy consumption of communication systems. How can we use communication systems (smart cities, optimized transportation systems etc.) to address UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) while not at the same time spending too much energy on the communication systems? What is the relation between information transfer and energy consumption? Is IoT and 5G a blessing or a curse?
The course will be a mix of short lectures, guest lectures from the industry and students presenting their own cases/ideas.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Explain the general principles of power consumption in communication systems.
  • Assess methods to reduce the power consumption of communication systems
  • Evaluate how communication systems can be used to address UN’s SDGs
  • Qualitatively and quantitatively assess how application of communications systems can address a Sustainable Development Goal (SDG).
  • Make a well structured, oral presentation of a topic related to sustainable communication systems
  • Present methods and results orally in a clear and comprehensible fashion
  • Critically review a presentation by fellow students and be able to give constructive feedback.
  • Write and evaluate reports on sustainable communication systems
1. Using communication systems to save energy and address UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
• Smart cities
• smart transportation systems
2. Calculating the power consumption of communication systems
• Power consumption of 4G/5G mobile communication systems related to coverage and capacity.
• Power consumption of wired communication systems.
• Power consumption of datacenters
3. Power saving methods in communication systems
• Power saving methods in mobile/wireless communication systems
• Power saving methods in wired communication systems
Sidst opdateret
29. april, 2019