42B66 Communication Skills


Participation in the program requires separate admission to the MMT program. Please contact DTU Business.
Communication Skills
Kurset udbydes som enkeltfag
Campus Lyngby
The program is based on action learning where theories, methods, concepts and tools are employed on real business challenges and issues from the participants companies. Lectures by top notch international faculty are paralleled by casework, group work and assignments.
[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur]
Aftales med underviser
Bedømmelse af opgave(r)/rapport(er)
bestået/ikke bestået , ekstern censur
Minimum 20
Zoran Perunovic , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421, Tlf. (+45) 4525 6115 , zope@business.dtu.dk
Mette Flindt , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421, Tlf. (+45) 4525 6118 , mefl@dtu.dk
Maria Ingeman , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421, Tlf. (+45) 4525 6116 , main@dtu.dk
Peter Arbs , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421, Tlf. (+45) 4525 6131 , parbs@dtu.dk

42 Institut for Systemer, Produktion og Ledelse
På instituttet
Overordnede kursusmål
This course offers an operational understanding of communication skills and through practical exercises we will ensure that participants: recognize the value and need for special communication skills in leadership, develop your ability to present and explain your personal role in reaching your company’s business goals, and enhance your personal performance and presentation to make it more appealing and tangible.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Develop a keen awareness of the critical questions one must ask for analyzing situations, organizations and their environments
  • Know how to identify, personify, locate, reach and develop resonance with key CAMPUSes (constituents, audiences, markets, publics, users, and stakeholders
  • Recognize the value and need for special communication skills in leadership
  • Recognize communication issues that might impact organization’s survival
  • Develop personal written communication skills needed in leadership
  • Develop personal oral communication skills needed in leadership
  • Demonstrate ability to present and explain personal role in reaching company’s business goals
  • Enhance personal performance and presentation to make it more appealing and tangible
Personal Communication
High-Impact business presentation
Sidst opdateret
19. april, 2018