42554 Social Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice


Kurset vil blive udbudt i januar 2019
Social Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice
Campus Lyngby
Lectures, discussions, class presentation, team project & site visits. Students will be required to read the literature presented on CampusNet file sharing before each session.
Umiddelbart efter undervisningen (3-ugers-kursus), Umiddelbart efter undervisningen (3-ugers-kursus), Date of examination will be announced on CampusNet
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af rapport(er)
Assessments will be based on: team project 50% by assessing individual contribution, midterm exam 30%, weekly reports 20%.
Alle hjælpemidler er tilladt
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Maksimum: 24
William Smedick , smedick@jhu.edu
Jieyu (Jessie) Zhou , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 426, Tlf. (+45) 4525 4545 , jiez@dtu.dk

42 Institut for Systemer, Produktion og Ledelse
Johns Hopkins University
I studieplanlæggeren
Overordnede kursusmål
The purpose of the course is to help students to learn the principles, values and skills necessary to lead and succeed in organizations that make a positive difference in today’s world. The course is designed to help students identify and develop their leadership skills through the application of technology to create social value. A “Blueprint for Success” will provide the framework for students to cultivate their own ideas for new socially conscious entrepreneurial ventures. DTU students will work together with visiting students from Johns Hopkins University to develop a business plan for a social business venture and have the opportunity to visit social entrepreneurship ventures in the Copenhagen region.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Apply relevant leadership theories and concepts to the development of social ventures
  • Define the dimensions of Social Entrepreneurship.
  • Discuss the dynamics of social changes.
  • Identify key competences required to lead social change.
  • Demonstrate how technology can be used to create of social value.
  • Work effectively in team to develop a business plan for a social business venture based on an identified technology.
  • Assess organizational effectiveness and provide recommendations for improvement.
  • Evaluate own preferences in terms of leadership style, conflict resolution, and values.
  • Effectively communicate verbally and in written form.
1. Relationship Building
2. Dimensions of Social Entrepreneurship
3. Identification of Social Entrepreneurs (Characteristics & Skills)
4. Building Resiliency
5. The Dynamics of Social Change
6. Leading Social Change – required competencies
7. Using technology to create social values
8. Business planning for social ventures
9. Social/Innovation site visit
10. Team work - working in cross cultural or cross disciplinary teams
The course is developed and taught by Johns Hopkins University’s Whiting School of Engineering especially for visiting students from Johns Hopkins University but is open to all DTU students. Participation is limited to 12 students from Johns Hopkins University and 12 students from DTU.
Sidst opdateret
26. oktober, 2018