42MMT Master Project


Participation in the program requires separate admission to the MMT program. Please contact DTU Business.
Master Project
Kurset udbydes under tompladsordningen
The course takes place in the spring semester each year. Start is in January
Campus Lyngby
The program is based on action learning where theories, methods, concepts and tools are employed on real business challenges and issues from the participants companies. The master project is written individually or in groups of two participants.
[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur]
Aftales med underviser, June
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af opgave(r)
The master project is graded by the seven grade scale.
Alle hjælpemidler er tilladt
7-trins skala , ekstern censur
Minimum 20 Maksimum: 30
Maria Ingeman , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421, Tlf. (+45) 4525 6116 , main@business.dtu.dk
Mette Flindt , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421, Tlf. (+45) 4525 6118 , mefl@business.dtu.dk
Zoran Perunovic , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421, Tlf. (+45) 4525 6115 , zope@business.dtu.dk
Peter Arbs , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 421, Tlf. (+45) 4525 6131 , parbs@business.dtu.dk

42 DTU Management Engineering
På instituttet
Overordnede kursusmål
The aim of this module is through the master project and the supporting course in Communication Management to demonstrate the participants’ capability in conducting analyses covering several business disciplines as well as the ability to integrate such disciplines into a coherent form. Furthermore the aim is demonstrate the ability to reach and present well-grounded proposals that should lead to implementable solutions.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Build a stringent argumentation for the choice of problem situation
  • Build a coherent argumentation for choice of theoretical tools for treating the problem
  • Apply a comprehensive cross-disciplinarity in the analysis and the proposed solutions
  • Suggest appropriate leadership perspective in the recommendations
  • Show a systematics and coherent discussion of empirical data and theoretical applications
  • Write clear and convincing recommendations and conclusions
  • Suggest realistic and implementable solutions
  • Develop personal written and oral communication skills needed in leadership
  • Realize the power of news and new media
  • Understand the role of corporate communications
Typically, the Master Project will concern an important or urgent strategic business problem that involves specific functions or processes within the organisation. Consequently, the Master Project will treat a problematic business problem of a strategic nature in a thorough and well argued, cross -disciplinary, and action-oriented way. The outcome of the work in the form of proposed solutions should be practically applicable in the context of the organisation. The proposed solutions must be implementable. In accordance with the objective of the MMT program, the project (in addition to its strategic purpose and as necessary or relevant) considers aspects like innovation, business development, or change management as viewed from the perspective of technological, economic, or market forces at work in the organisation’s environment.

The course in communication management supports the master project by putting it into the context of new social media. Furthermore, it develops the skills in oral and written communication.
Sidst opdateret
21. april, 2017