23551 Prædiktiv Fødevaremikrobiologi


Predictive Food Microbiology
Kurset udbydes under tompladsordningen
Campus Lyngby
Lectures, group work/exercises, project work
Examination on the last day of the course
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af rapport(er)
Report (60%), oral presentation of project work (20%) and two questions on other topics (20%)
20 min.
Skriftlige hjælpemidler er tilladt
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
Knowledge of and interest in microbial quality and safety of food
Minimum 6 Maksimum: 20
Paw Dalgaard , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 204, Tlf. (+45) 4525 2566 , pada@food.dtu.dk

23 Fødevareinstituttet
I studieplanlæggeren
Kontakt underviseren for information om hvorvidt dette kursus giver den studerende mulighed for at lave eller forberede et projekt som kan deltage i DTUs studenterkonference om bæredygtighed, klimateknologi og miljø (GRØN DYST). Se mere på http://www.groendyst.dtu.dk
Overordnede kursusmål
The course provides the students with an overview of the quantitative microbial ecology of food and detailed insight in the development and validation of predictive food microbiology models. The aim is to enable students to understand the potential and the limitations of predictive food microbiology models and their use in assessment and management of microbiological quality and safety of food.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Describe environmental parameters in food and their quantitative effect on microbial responses.
  • Obtain relevant information from databases and literature on microbial responses in food.
  • Characterise microbial kinetics in food by appropriate mathematical models.
  • Select appropriate deterministic or stochastic models for microbial responses in food.
  • Develop a predictive microbiology model of relevant complexity for a specific food.
  • Evaluate the performance of predictive microbiology models for specific microorganism/food combinations.
  • Understand the use of predictive microbiology models in quantitative microbiological risk assessment and in risk and quality management.
  • Review, analyse and present predictive food microbiology data in a synthetic report.
The course is based on lectures and computer exercises to explain the development of predictive food microbiology models. The students use this information in their project work to develop and/or evaluate a predictive microbiology model for a selected microorganism/food combination. The course will allow student to predict microbial responses in food including effects of processing, product characteristics and conditions of storage and distribution to the consumer. Mathematical models to predict growth or inactivation and the effect of constant or dynamic product characteristics and storage conditions are presented. Predictive models for the growth boundary of human pathogens are described together with their application for development of new food products and recipes. Data and methods to evaluate predictive models and criteria for their validation are important and part of the course. Software for development and application of deterministic and stochastic predictive models are presented in relation to assessment and management of microbial food quality and safety.
This 3-week-course is well suited for Ph.D. students from DTU or other universities. The course is part of the Nordic M.Sc.-programme ‘Aquatic Food Production – Safety and Quality’ and includes cases and exercises related to aquatic food products.
Sidst opdateret
04. maj, 2017