
62537 Linux Networking and Security

IT,Ballerup: valgfag
Elektronik: valgfag

Engelsk titel:

Linux Networking and Security


Point( ECTS )



Kurset udbydes under tompladsordningen


E1B (tors 13-17) og E2B (tors 8-12)
F1B (tors 13-17) og F2B (tors 8-12)

Undervisningens placering:

Campus Ballerup


50% of the time will be used by lectures and discussions which will cover the theoretical aspects.

The practical part will fall in two parts: workstation installation and set-up will be done individually whereas server building will be done as a course assignment in groups of up to three students.

The course will conclude with the submission of a report on the course assignment.

Kursets varighed:



F1B, F2B


Eksamens varighed:



Tidligere kursus:


Anbefalede forudsætninger:



Minimum 8 Maksimum: 25

Overordnede kursusmål:

To give the student sufficient theoretical and practical understanding and knowledge to design and implement a small TCP/IP local network, including a server of own choice, connected to the Internet using PCs and VM's running Linux as the platform for both workstations and servers.

At the end of the course the student shall demonstrate the ability to:

1. Operate Linux from the command line.
2. Describe the Linux file system, including the protection system
3. Perform simple system administrator task such as user administration, access control, etc.
4. Create and maintain a log book for the server.
5. Identify the possible threats to the security of a workstation and a server.
6. Specify and implement proper countermeasures to the identified threats.
7. Specify and implement methods to ascertain the continuing operation of the server in spite of e.g. power failures, planned or otherwise.
8. Describe the protocol(s) applicable to the chosen server
9. Discuss the pros and cons of the chosen server relative to similar servers.
10. Demonstrate the proper operation of the server (testing)

Objective group A (which is evaluated in the practical session) must be achieved satisfactorily by itself (i.e. to at least 02) in order for the other objectives to be evaluated at all.

If objective group A is passed, grades are given as follows:
2. for the accomplishment of objectives 1, 2 and 3.
7 for the additional accomplishment of objectives 8, 9 and 10
12 for the additional accomplishment of the remaining objectives.
Otherwise the whole course is failed.


En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • 1. Operate Linux from the command line.
  • 2. Describe the Linux file system, including the protection system
  • 3. Perform simple system administrator task such as user administration, access control, etc.
  • 4. Create and maintain a log book for the server.
  • 5. Identify the possible threats to the security of a workstation and a server.
  • 6. Specify and implement proper contermeasures to the identified threats.
  • 7. Specify and implement methods to assertain the continuing operation of the server in spite of e.g. power failures, planned or otherwise.
  • 8. Describe the protocol(s) applicable to the chosen server
  • 9. Discuss the pros and cons of the chosen server relative to similar servers.
  • 10. Demonstrate the proper operation of the server (testing)


Workstation installation - turn your laptop into a working Linux computer

Linux usage: Users; file systems and file system structure; essential commands. Graphical desktops.

Networks: Linux in a networking environment: Structure and configuration of the networking software.

Build your own system: Install packages: From source code (tar, ./configure, make, make install) or package managers: dpkg, RPM etc.

Basic security: threats, prevention, detection.

Servers: Choose your type of servers (file, mail, print, name, web, DHCP, Samba, database);

Build and secure the chosen server.


Linux Pocket Guide. Daniel J. Barrett. O'Reilly. ISBN 0-596-00628-4

UNIX and Linux System Administration Handbook 4th ed., Nemeth, Snyder, Hein & Whaley, Prentice Hall ISBN 0-13-148005-7

Supplementary literature:

'Linux Network Administrator's Guide', 3nd ed. Tony Bautts, Terry Dawson & Gregory N. Purdy. O'Reilly, Sebastopol CA 2005, ISBN 0-596-00548-2. (The 2nd edition may be downloaded from the Internet http:/​/​www.tldp.org/​guides/​)

'Linux in a Nutshell', 4th ed. Ellen Siever et al. O'Reilly, Sebastopol CA
2000, ISBN -596-00482-6

'Computer Networking. A Top-Down Approach Featuring the Internet', 3rd ed. James Kurose and Keith W. Ross. Addison Wesley, New York 2005, ISBN 0-321-26976-4


If a group member repeatedly does not show up at common group appointments, the group may nominate the member for exclusion. A student not participating in the project work may be refused nomination for examination.


Svend Mortensen , Ballerup Campus, Bygning Ballerup, Tlf. (+45) 3588 5172 , svmo@dtu.dk


62 DTU Diplom




I CampusNet
Sidst opdateret: 18. januar, 2016