
42712 Introduktion til Balmorel

Expected workload:
Course participation: 45 hours
Preparation between classes: 45 hours
Final assignment: 50 hours

Engelsk titel:

Introduction to Balmorel


Point( ECTS )





Undervisningsgange er 7., 8. og 14. januar samt 2. og 5. februar.

Undervisningens placering:

Campus Lyngby
DTU Management Engineering, Produktionstorvet, bygning 426


Forelæsninger, studenterpræsentationer, diskussioner og opgaver

Kursets varighed:

[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur]




Obligatoriske forudsætninger:

Anbefalede forudsætninger:


Minimum 5 Maksimum: 12

Overordnede kursusmål:

In this course the students will learn how to perform analysis with the linear programming model, Balmorel.

Balmorel is a linear optimization model of a power system including district heating systems. The model is an open source model and available on a home page along with a full model description and documentation of analyses (www.balmorel.com). Balmorel has been used for a wide range of analyses documented in project reports available on the model website and in journal papers. Based on the assumption that perfect market conditions exist the model minimizes system costs, consisting of operational costs and annualized investment costs. Operational costs include fuel costs, CO2 quota costs as well as operation and maintenance costs. Taxes are not included in this analysis. Given a number of restrictions, the model may optimize investments in new production as well as transmission capacity and the operation of plants. Prices such as the electricity price can be found from the marginal values of restrictions. The model is designed to cover several countries. Each country consists of one or more regions, between which electricity exchange is restricted due to limited transmission capacities. Each region, in turn, consists of one or more district heating areas, between which no exchange of heat is allowed. Time series for electricity demand and wind power production are given for regions, whereas time series for heat demand are given for areas. The time series provide hourly data for one year.


En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • to understand and explain the model structure
  • to interpret and explain the main equations (mathematically and orally)
  • to understand and explain how add-ons are developed and used
  • to understand end explain aggregation of time and geography
  • to find, aggregate, document and compile data for an input data base
  • to choose critically between the many different options when applying the tool
  • to perform systematic error finding and use of output tools including queries in Access databases
  • to apply version management
  • to analyze energy systems with the model including analysis of economic policy measures
  • to reflect critically on results and use of model and key assumptions


The course comprises five days of lectures student presentations, discussions and assignments combined with periods with large intermediate assignments. More specifically the course will cover the following themes:
- Background and overview of Balmorel
- Balmorel and other models – how do we choose
- Equations in Balmorel including slack variables
- Add-ons
- Options and aggregation
- Boundaries
- Policies
- Data structuring
- Error search
- Input and Output handling
- Version tracking


You are obliged to bring a computer with GAMS and Access installed. Student license for GAMS will be provided for the course if necessary


Nina Juul , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 426, Tlf. (+45) 4677 5179 , njua@dtu.dk
Marie Münster , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 426, Tlf. (+45) 4677 5166 , maem@dtu.dk


42 DTU Management Engineering


Hos underviser

Undervisningsgange er 7., 8. og 14. januar samt 2. og 5. februar. Der skal påregnes en del arbejde mellem undervisningsgangene.
Sidst opdateret: 04. januar, 2016