
12122 Afløbssystemer og urban regnvandshåndtering

The course is aimed at environmental and civil engineering students

Engelsk titel:

Urban Drainage and Stormwater Management


Point( ECTS )



Kurset udbydes under tompladsordningen


E2B (tors 8-12)

Undervisningens placering:

Campus Lyngby


Project work in groups on computer simulations and report writing supplemented by lectures and excursions.

Kursets varighed:





Anbefalede forudsætninger:


Overordnede kursusmål:

The aim is to provide participants the general skills and knowledge needed to design and analyse urban drainage and stormwater systems. Knowledge is provided in the most important hydraulic and hydrological processes as well as entry level extreme statistics on rainfall and flooding. Skills are provided in the traditional way of dimensioning drainage and stormwater systems by hand calculation as well as in the use of a state-of-the-art software for dynamic simulation of urban stormwater systems under heavy rain (MIKE URBAN). The course focuses on both water quantity and quality and will introduce both traditional and novel solutions to manage stormwater.


En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Design a complete combined urban drainage system
  • Analyse existing systems to identify areas in risk of flooding
  • Propose a range of solutions to solve flood and surcharge problems, and document the effect of these solutions
  • Dimension the most important system structures such as pipes, basins and overflow structures as well as local infiltration devices
  • Use advanced simulation software for urban stormwater systems (MIKE URBAN)
  • Simplify existing stormwater models to gain faster simulation time while maintaining the most important system dynamics
  • Quantify frequency and volume of overflows
  • Estimate pollutant loads to recipients
  • Choose between different types of raindata for use on different types of problems
  • Identify the main sources for uncertainty and compare to uncertainty from climate change and growth of cities


Urban drainage and stormwater management; cloud burst; pluvial flooding; overflow; dimensioning new system components; hydraulics; urban hydrology; back water; modelling; simplification; st. Venants Equations; water sensitive urban design (LAR, SUDS, LIDS...); rainfall statistics; return period; real-time control; sources to pollution; effects of climate change on stormwater systems.


Morten Borup , morb@env.dtu.dk


12 Institut for Vand og Miljøteknologi


I CampusNet
Sidst opdateret: 05. april, 2016