
23102 Fødevaresikkerhed i produktionskæder

Engelsk titel:

Food Safety in Production Chains


Point( ECTS )





F2A (man 13-17) og F2B (tors 8-12)

Undervisningens placering:

Campus Lyngby


Forelæsninger, seminar, gruppe opgaver, projektgruppearbejde og rapport

Kursets varighed:



F2A, F2B




Anbefalede forudsætninger:


Minimum 6

Overordnede kursusmål:

The course will enable the student to evaluate relevant microbiological and chemical hazards in a food production chains.The course will give an introduction to the most important microorganism for spoilance of food and pathogens that can be transmitted through the food chain to humans. Furthermore the students will be introduced to toxicology and to chemical hazards. These hazards will include raw material, production forms and processes involved in food production.


En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Apply processs analysis to overview a food production chain with respect to food safety and relate to food quality issues
  • Identify relevant microbiological and chemical hazards for a given food production
  • Identify steps in the production that are critical with regard to the hazards including current food safety legislation
  • Establish measures that will control the safety of the production (apply HACCP principles)
  • Identify and apply the key elements in chemical and microbiological risk analysis
  • Explain and apply the concept ADME (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion)
  • Assess/Evaluate and make a synthesis of the risk assessments of chemical and microbiological hazards/risks in the food production chain from farm to fork
  • Make a concise written report and oral presentation of the synthesis of risk assessments of chemical and microbiological hazards/risks in the food production chain from farm to fork
  • Establish competences in project based learning and group work including the awareness that all participants have a common responsibility for the final product


The course will consist of indepth knowledge on current relevant food safety issues with regard to microbiology, chemical hazards and toxicology. The course will enable the students to evaluate relevant hazards in specific food production chains, to identify critical steps in the production, and to construct a plan to control or mitigate these hazards. The course presents relevant hazards in the entire food production chain from farm to fork and includes microbiologival, chemical and toxicological aspects of the risk assessment. The course addresse the various elements of risk assessment: hazard identification, exposure assessment, hazard characterisation and risk characterisation. Lectures will be given and group/project work supervised partly by experts on the issues included in the course. Focus on production lines will be in report writing and lectures will support aspects hereof.


Kurset er obligatorisk for kandidater i Fødevareteknologi

Mulighed for GRØN DYST deltagelse:

Dette kursus giver den studerende en mulighed for at lave eller forberede et projekt som kan deltage i DTUs studenterkonference om bæredygtighed, klimateknologi og miljø (GRØN DYST). Se mere på http://www.groendyst.dtu.dk


Kit Granby , Bygning AB, Tlf. (+45) 3588 7474 , kgra@food.dtu.dk
Tina Beck Hansen , Bygning D, Tlf. (+45) 3588 7556 , TIBHA@food.dtu.dk


23 Fødevareinstituttet


I CampusNet
Sidst opdateret: 28. april, 2014