
12906 Modellering af optagelse af kemikalier i grøntsager og frugt

Modeling, plant uptake, soil and groundwater contamination, risk assessment, pesticide design, tree core sampling, phytoremediation, tree toxicity test

Engelsk titel: 

Modeling of Plant Uptake and Application in Environmental Science and Engineering


Point (ECTS )



Ph.D.- Kemi, Bioteknologi og Kemiteknik


June/July 2010


Lectures, practical work (model exercises, tree core sampling, laboratory work), group work, presentations from course participants, discussions, excursions

Kursets varighed:

[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur]


Aftales med læreren 





Minimum  25, Maksimum:  

Overordnede kursusmål:

Module 1 Plants and Environment
Module 2 Modeling
Module 3 Risk Assessment
Module 4 Phytoremediation
Module 5 Finale
(cf. Tentative time table, p. 4)

Students will have hands-on on all models during exercises, and can take the source codes with home. Practical work in laboratory and in field will supplement the teaching. The active use of plants for the cleanup of contaminated sites will be studied during a short excursion to phytoremediation field sites. The tree core sampling method for the delineation of subsurface plumes will be exercised.

One week in advance to the course is expected for preparatory reading and one week after the course for the set-up of on own model and the preparation of a short project report.


En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Theoretical and practical introduction to chemical uptake into plants and its relevance for environmental science and engineering
  • Focus on mathematical modeling and the application in practice
  • Plant physiological and mathematical basics of plant uptake
  • Mathematical concepts and models for neutral and ionic organic compounds / heavy metals
  • Model application in the fields of human exposure assessment, risk assessment, pesticide design and phytoremediation


Reading material such as lecture scripts, journal articles and book chapters, in total 250-500 pages, which will be provided online one month in advance (http://homepage.env.dtu.dk/stt/teaching.htm).


800 € for professional, 400 € for students
No fee for RECETO students and PhDs from OSIRIS, 2-FUN and ModelPROBE
Students without project money can ask for dispensation of costs

Travel expenses
Accommodation; inexpensive rooms are available at DTU


Arno Rein, 115, 050, (+45) 4525 1696, arnr@env.dtu.dk  
Stefan Trapp, 115, 048, (+45) 4525 1622, sttr@env.dtu.dk  


12 Institut for Vand og Miljøteknologi


I CampusNet
Dr. Arno Rein Department of Environmental Engineering Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Miljøvej, Building 113 DK-2800p
Sidst opdateret: 2. februar, 2010