
42740 Forskningens objekter og metoder i design og innovation

Kurset kan også tages af studerende, der ikke er tilknyttet dette forskeruddannelsesprogram.

Engelsk titel: 

Research objects and methods in design and innovation


Point (ECTS )



Ph.D.- Konstruktion, Produktion, Byggeri og Transport


Sessioner: 23-24 oktober, 13-14 november og 4-5 december


Kurset gennemføres i form af tre sessioner på hver to dage med to større skriftlige opgaver og forberedelse.

Kursets varighed:

[Kurset følger ikke DTUs normale skemastruktur]





Minimum  5, Maksimum:  20

Overordnede kursusmål:

Formålet med kurset er at lære PhD studerende at planlægge og udføre forskning specielt inden for området design og innovations.


En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • describe how research objects are identified and delimited
  • identify elements within their research paradigm
  • describe different research methodologies and their relevans i relation to specific research tasks
  • analyse a research project and identify relavant methodologies
  • identify and discuss core ontological and epistemic aspects of their project
  • identify and discuss methods of relevance for the practical execution of research
  • write a contribution to the methodology part of their thesis
  • discuss different ways to narrate research results


Before the first session the participants are asked to distribute a short presentation of their PhD project.

First session:
The first session will comprise of presentations and discussions on how to identify research objects and questions, followed by discussion of how to choose relevant methodologies to cover the research questions. The session will conclude in a first attempt to identify research objects and the general approach by each of the participants in groups leading to the first assignment.

To be presented at the second session the participants are given the assignment to identify their research object and argue for the choice of approach and provide this in a written presentation.

Second session:
Second session will comprise of presentations of different methods and their relation to theories, hypothesis, assumptions etc. chosen for their practical relevance to the projects of the participants.

Before the third session the participants are given the assignment to develop a specific part of their research methodology to be used in an article or potentially as part of their thesis.

Third session:
The third session will comprise of follow up presentations and discussions based on the contributions from the PhD students followed by presentations and discussions emphasising the role of the learning environment and interactions for research as well as the evaluation and assessment of research results and approaches.

The course will end with a general course evaluation following up on the discussion of how to organise and improve research training.


Ulrik Jørgensen, 424, 113, (+45) 4525 6075, uj@man.dtu.dk  
Saeema Ahmed-Kristensen, 426, 136, (+45) 4525 5563, sakr@man.dtu.dk  


42 Institut for Planlægning, Innovation og Ledelse

Ekstern samarbejdsinstitution:

Forskeruddannelsesprogrammet i Design og Innovation


Hos læreren
Sidst opdateret: 27. maj, 2009