
34225 Telecommunication Summer University

Engelsk titel: 

Telecommunication Summer University


Point (ECTS )



Civil- Grundlæggende kursus


28. juli 2008 til 15. august 2008


Kursets varighed:



Aftales med læreren 


Varighed eksamen:




Overordnede kursusmål:

To introduce interesting subjects in telecommunication. To introduce students to studying at DTU and show project based teaching


En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:

  • Understand the structure of DTU studies
  • Know the posssibilities for studying as an International student at DTU-Fotonik
  • Know simple characteristics and elements of optical communication
  • Know how to use the OPNET tool for simple modelling and simulation of a communication network
  • Use the Python language for developing a small wireless application
  • Evaluate and provide constructive criticism for other's work
  • Organize the cooperation in a heterogeneous group
  • -


The course starts with an introduction to DTU and DTU Fotonik. The emphasis is on study elements relevant for future guest and MSc. students. This research and facilities of DTU Fotonik are also presented. The course is then composed of two projects each of six days of work ending with delivery of a report.
The projects are:
- Experiments in lasers and optics for optical communication
- Modelling and simulation of a communication network
- Development of a small application for a mobile phone
The students choose individually two of these projects, and depending on the project structure, they are divided into groups of 2-6 students. During the six days of work, the theory is lectured and the student is to carry out an experiment or an implementation including testing. Each project ends with writing a report.


The credit points for the course will count if the student is admitted to the DTU at a later date. Passing the course reduces the prerequisite credit requirements of the International MSc in Telecommunication to 10 ECTS points.
The summer university is primarily for international students from within the European Union.


Knud J. Larsen, 343, 022, (+45) 4525 3629, knjl@fotonik.dtu.dk  


34 Institut for Fotonik


Hos læreren, 2. maj 2008
Individual application
Sidst opdateret: 25. juli, 2008