12124 Modellering af risiko for urbane oversvømmelser


Undervisningen i januar 2021 vil blive afholdt på campus.
Preference will be given to students who need the course as prerequisite for their master thesis.
Urban Flood Risk Modelling
Kurset udbydes som enkeltfag
Campus Lyngby
A mixture of lectures and group work. The course requires active participation in group work and discussions in class. A central part of the course is unsupervised group work in the data bar on various cases. During this time the groups are expected to help each other towards understanding and solving the problems at hand.
Sidste dag(e) i 3-ugersperioden
Mundtlig eksamen og bedømmelse af rapport(er)
Overall assessment of on-line quizzes taken on day 1 and 5, group reports, presentations on day 9 and 15, and peer assessments.
Alle hjælpemidler er tilladt
7-trins skala , intern bedømmelse
12122 , Basic GIS knowledge
Minimum 6 Maksimum: 30
Roland Löwe , Lyngby Campus, Bygning 115, Tlf. (+45) 4525 1694 , rolo@dtu.dk
12 Institut for Miljø- og Ressourceteknologi
I studieplanlæggeren
Kontakt underviseren for information om hvorvidt dette kursus giver den studerende mulighed for at lave eller forberede et projekt som kan deltage i DTUs studenterkonference om bæredygtighed, klimateknologi og miljø (GRØN DYST). Se mere på http://www.groendyst.dtu.dk
Overordnede kursusmål
To enable participants to model what happens once rain events exceed the capacity of the urban drainage systems and the assumptions for modelling the storm water runoff with hydrodynamic pipe models no longer holds. To do this, the participants will learn how to extend a MIKE pipe model with a 2 dimensional hydrodynamic surface model (MIKE) and to understand the uncertainties related to this sort of models. Finally the participants will learn how to perform urban flood risk assessments including the definitions of hazards, vulnerabilities, and exposure. It is assumed, that students are familiar with basic GIS analysis and formats used by the ArcGIS software, as well as with the application of 1D hydrodynamic models.
En studerende, der fuldt ud har opfyldt kursets mål, vil kunne:
  • Understand the processes leading to flooding in urban areas
  • Perform GIS analysis of Digital Terrain Models/Digital Elevation Models to identify the vulnerable areas of a city in regards to flooding
  • Create a 1d-2d hydrodynamic model for flood modelling
  • Perform screening analysis by means of hand calculations and ID simulations to identify suitable adaptation options
  • Document suitable the solution using MIKE+
  • Calculate expected annual damage based on flood simulations
  • Understand the definitions of hazards, vulnerabilities, and exposure in an urban flood context
  • Explain how to perform an urban flood risk assessment
Urban flooding, advanced GIS analysis, urban drainage systems, MIKE+, 1d-2d hydrodynamic models, Expected Annual Damage.
Sidst opdateret
05. juli, 2023